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The Life of
Nazir Ahmed Wattoo
The formation and evolution of the ASB is Nazir Ahmed
Wattoo. He was born in
Vision and Mission
Anjuman Samaji Behbood vision is of a Pakistan where everyone has access to effective sanitation and safe water. ASB Bring Social behavior change, through mobilizing financial & Human resourses...........
There are many ways that you can help us to make a difference
ASB works in all over the country in Pakistan brings social
behavior change, through mobilizing
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Download latest pictures and videos to show that how ASB work in different areas of Pakistan especially in Faisalabad Click here to see
Our slogan is no development withput consultation and communities have to become part of the city planning process. Problem of Pakistan is not Economic but Moral. ASB wants to make people self-reliant instead of dependent on projects. ASB approach has opened a way to build a sustainable co-ordination and Cohesiveness. As a successful development model for Urban and Rural areas. ASB creating sense of ownership in the communities and at all levels of government. Informally poor people are paying all the time to Government Mafias.
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Anjuman Samaji Behbood © 2006. All rights reserved. 40-A, Main Bazar Dhuddiwala Faisalabad 38060 Pakistan , Tel : 009241-8713431
Women and children spend hours each day walking to collect water that is unsafe to drink and makes them ill.
When children are ill they cannot go to school and their
mothers stay at home to care for them. When fathers are ill they cannot earn money.
By supporting us, your regular gift could help change the
lives of millions of people. click here
MAPS And Graph Section
Critical Issues
Fifteen people have died of Gastroenteritis in Faisalabad and the remedy that the health department has come up with is excessive chlorination of water which who finds hazardous for health
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