IT Department of Anjuman Samaji Behbood © 2007. All rights reserved. 40-A, Main Bazar Dhuddiwala Faisalabad 38060 Pakistan , Tel : 009241-8713431 Mobile: 00923457857489
The Changa Pani means good water. The purpose is to design and implementation of integrated water supply and sanitation project for poor un served community.
The project will provide efficient, reliable, affordable and environmentally sustainable WATSAN system in poor Urban Area of Badar Colony UC 60 Lahore. The Community is contributing 39% in the infrastructure and rest is being funded by the Government of Punjab as a innovative project for policy learning and attainment of Millennium Development Goal.
For full project details please visit the Changa Pani web
For more information, visit the official website of the UIF Calculator.
The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) in South Africa provides financial relief to workers who have lost their jobs, are unable to work due to illness, maternity, or adoption leave, or are dependents of deceased contributors.
Employers and employees contribute monthly to the UIF to ensure financial protection in times of need. If you are working in South Africa, it is essential to understand your rights and how to claim UIF benefits.