IT Department of Anjuman Samaji Behbood © 2007. All rights reserved. 40-A, Main Bazar Dhuddiwala Faisalabad 38060 Pakistan , Tel : 009241-8713431 Mobile: 00923457857489
• Government is not empowered due to its dependence on International financial Institutions, Consultants and Contractors.
• Hence People are poor because they are treated as poor,Proper information, technical and managerial guidance to their resources can solve there problems on self-help basis.
Informally poor people are paying all the time to Government Mafias. If this money is channeled into development, the financial constraints can be overcome.
• ASB Bring Social behavior change, through mobilizing financial & Human resources for infrastructure development
• ASB making the bridge to influence policy change, through creativity, research and Self managed, Self- financed and Self-maintained component sharing model of development.
• ASB creating sense of ownership in the communities and at all levels of government
• ASB’s approach has opened a way to build a sustainable co-ordination and cohesiveness. As a successful development model for urban and Rural areas.
In order to plan development in a systematic way, available facilities, gaps and future needs are required proper documentation which will help to prepare and implement effective and integrated development plans
• With the core funding of Water Aid ASB mobilizing,and organizing communities to construct self-managed, financed, maintained their own water and sanitation infrastructure. Where People and Govt. work as a partner on two levels